What is Quitsato?

Quitsato is the first comprehensive project in Ecuador, the same one that develops extensive work concerning the study and enhancement of the concept of the True Middle of the World, the basis of the cultural identity of Ecuadorians.

The project is developed from different activities, which are:

The context of our work unfolds in the Equinoctial Andes specifically in relation to the equinoctial line and the archaeological cultural heritage, which has remained anonymous and forgotten by society in general.
We intend to investigate the existence and functionality of these archaeological sites with the application of satellite technology; also make them known through a permanent work of cultural diffusion, protection and rescue of cultural heritage.

For 15 years, this project has developed a self-management model, and has not received any type of financing from any institution.

Cosmovisión Andina Quitsato

The rescue of society’s self-esteem and the enhancement of archaeological sites are the priority objectives that we pursue through publications, conferences and comprehensive tourism.

The Quitsato project also develops different projects linked to each other, where we complement and practice the philosophy that drives us to undertake this project. This philosophy is based on the Andean Cosmovision, which is manifested in the ethical principle of reciprocity, where the balance and balance of life acquires vital importance for our equatorial culture.

Likewise, we explore ancestral customs and traditions with the aim of rescuing Andean knowledge and flavors. One of our “Mishky Huarmy” projects is the elaboration of Agave Honey, or Penco, locally known as Chaguar Mishqui, with which we managed to obtain the best sweetener that exists with medicinal properties, in which its low glycemic level stands out. for diabetics. In addition, with this honey, we have managed to experience the recovery of various recipes for gastronomic use, getting closer to the flavors that existed in pre-Hispanic times.

Regarding cultural tourism, we also have thematic exhibitions at Hacienda Guachalá, the oldest Hacienda in Ecuador, which is our study center. In this beautiful site, we offer tours and astronomical talks with sky readings at night.

In short, we try to deploy a comprehensive work, through self-management, offering our community an independent model in cultural management and where freedom and reciprocity are our main resource.

Cristobal Cobo
Director of Quitsato