The word Quitsato is from the Tsafiqui language, ethnic language of the Tsáchilas of the Ecuadorian coast, the word Quitsa means Midlle and To means World, therefore Quitsato means Middle of the World.

The multidisciplinary research project Quitsato, began on June 26, 1997, with the intention of integrating several disciplines and satellite technology for a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the archaeological cultural heritage of the region and its relationship with the geographical environment of the Equatorial Andes. In the present, thanks to the possible application of satellite technology, global positioning systems and geographic information systems, we can correlate the different archaeological sites with other archaeological contexts of the region and the geographical environment, specifically with the mountainous areas offered by the equatorial Andes. And thus understand these sites from a possible astronomical functionality for the measurement of time and space, fundamental bases for the development of land surveying, the conformation of agricultural calendars, the knowledge of the climate, the seasons, which are the basis of subsistence of early societies.

The disciplines applied within the research project are in the areas of: archeology, anthropology, history, geographic information systems, basic astronomy and development of database and multimedia. We form a team of people committed to their cultural identity.